According to the International Jury`s decision the following submitted films from the official selection have been nominated to be finalists. They will be screened during the Festival on September 19-21. 2024. in Mátészalka.
1. We Started Together / Együtt kezdtük (Kerékgyártó Yvonne)
2. Mastergame / Mesterjátszma (Tóth Barnabás)
3. Six Weeks / Hat hét (Szakonyi Noémi Veronika)
4. All About the Levkoviches / Lefkovicsék gyászolnak (Breier Ádám)
5. Four Souls of Coyote / Kojot négy lelke (Gauder Áron)
6. Out and About (Peter Callahan)
7. The Activated Man (Nicholas Gyeney)
8. For Jade (Baruch Tsangi Tadisi)
1. I Won't Die / Nem halok meg (Dér Asia)
2. Kaláka: from the Carpathians to the Caribbean (Pigniczky Réka)
3. Everything's Kosher (Adam Fried)
4. Mini and Bartók on Rock (Kisfaludy András)
5. 56/Z (Pigniczky Réka)
6. King of the Vineyards, Janos Mathias (Bárány Krisztián)
1. The Hollywood Mogul Wars (James Forsher)
2. Deer Bell / Szarvasbőgés (Jakab Edit)
3. Voiceless (Zahra Mojahed)
4. If You Were a Blue Balloon (Králl Kevin)
1. Against the Wind / Széllel szemben (Chilton Flóra)
2. Somewhere in Between (Dahia Nemlich)
3. Habitat (Elena Escura)
4. The Other End of the Street / Az utca másik vége (Nagy Kálmán)
5. As Easy As Closing Your Eyes (Parker Croft)
6. Will My Parents Visit Me? (Mo Harawe)
7. Hollywood (Alex Reinberg)
8. Triumph of the Actor (Daniel Holzberg)
9. Hardly Working (Suzanna Flock)
10. Fatih the Conqueror (Onur Yagiz)
11. Dreams to Reach the Sky / Égig érő álmok (Piroch Gábor)
12. Melange (Králl Kevin)
1.Anybody can die / Mindenki meg tud halni (Surányi András, Gaál Ildikó, Koltai Róbert)
2.Blow by blow (Emilio Ruiz Barrachina)
3.Better tomorrow (M Sharvi)